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The Sorcerer and the White Snake / 白蛇传说


Action director Ching Siu-Tung helms this fantasy film based on an old Chinese legend about an herbalist who falls in love with a thousand-year-old White Snake disguised as a woman. Jet Li stars as a sorcerer who discovers her true identity and battles to save the man’s soul.

南宋年间,世道离乱,更有各方妖孽为害世间,亦有痴情种子因缘和合,演出千古传奇。某深山老林,一青一白二蛇修炼千年,化得人身,终日在山中畅意游玩,好不自在。二蛇偶遇上山采药的郎中许仙(林峰 饰),白蛇(黄圣依 饰)倾慕许仙,并偶然救得他的性命,自此凡心触动,决定下山寻找心上之人。适逢佳节,二蛇变作人形,以白素贞、青青(蔡卓妍 饰)之名来到城中。正所谓因缘际会,白素贞终与许仙相逢,结为夫妇。时有金山寺高僧法海(李连杰 饰)携弟子能忍(文章 饰)四方游历,降妖除魔。追寻二蛇期间,能忍为蝙蝠妖所伤,魔性大起,坚心动摇。其后师徒二人更与白素贞、青青二蛇上演正法与情缘的亘古纠葛……