Two brothers face the fight of a lifetime – and the wreckage of their broken family – within the brutal, high-stakes world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighting in Lionsgate’s action/drama, WARRIOR. An ex-Marine haunted by a tragic past, Tommy Riordan returns to his hometown of Pittsburgh and enlists his father, a recovered alcoholic and his former coach, to train him for an MMA tournament awarding the biggest purse in the history of the sport. As Tommy blazes a violent path towards the title prize, his brother, Brendan, a former MMA fighter unable to make ends meet as a public school teacher, returns to the amateur ring to provide for his family. Even though years have passed, recriminations and past betrayals keep Brendan bitterly estranged from both Tommy and his father. But when Brendan’s unlikely rise as an underdog sets him on a collision course with Tommy, the two brothers must finally confront the forces that tore them apart, all the while waging the most intense, …
这是一个破碎的家庭,酗酒的教练父亲帕迪(尼克•诺特 Nick Nolte 饰)家暴妻子,次子汤米(汤姆•哈迪 Tom Hardy 饰)与不堪忍受的母亲远赴他乡;长子布兰登(乔尔•埃哲顿 Joel Edgerton 饰)为了爱情选择留下,并认为从此可以得到父亲的器重与栽培,然而最后父子还是分道扬镳。时隔多年后,汤米带着母亲痛苦死去的悲伤记忆,以及在伊战中的惨痛经历找到父亲,要求后者再度担任自己的教练,以参加MMA的重奖大赛;几乎与此同时,昔日的职业格斗选手、如今的中学物理教师布兰登为金钱所困扰,他不能忍受自己无法为妻女提供庇护,决定重返赛场。在MMA的赛场上,这对分离多年的兄弟将再度聚首,用血与汗的交融,化释彼此的心结……