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Ice Age Collision Course / 冰川时代5:星际碰撞


Scrat’s epic pursuit of his elusive acorn catapults him outside of Earth, where he accidentally sets off a series of cosmic events that transform and threaten the planet. To save themselves from peril, Manny, Sid, Diego, and the rest of the herd leave their home and embark on a quest full of thrills and spills, highs and lows, laughter and adventure while traveling to exotic new lands and encountering a host of colorful new characters.

影片讲述松鼠奎特(克里斯•韦奇 Chris Wedge 配音)为了追松果,偶然引发了宇宙事件,改变并威胁着冰川时代的世界。为了拯救自己,话唠树懒希德(约翰•雷吉扎莫 John Leguizamo 配音)、猛犸象曼尼(雷•罗马诺 Ray Romano 配音)、剑齿虎迪亚哥(丹尼斯•利瑞 Denis Leary 配音),以及别的动物群族必须离开家园,踏上了他们充满喜剧色彩的冒险旅程,他们来到了充满异国情调的新大陆,并遇到了许多形形色色的新角色。