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Kepong Gangster 2 / 甲洞 2


“KEPONG”, a famous local Chinese gang/gangster neighbourhood, is a story about five young men whom are best friends that join a gangster and then faces the reality of gangster life with financial problem, drugs, power and so on, ending up breaking their friendship and bad consequences. Although the theme of the film mainly focus on the story of the gangster, however, it still indirectly convey a positive message to the teenage, to highlight to them not to involve in any such activities which might ruin their bright future.

比利刺殺390幫會新上任老大阿海之後失蹤,辛迪被27幫會的人抓回去甲洞南村一家按摩院賣身還父債。比利成功暗殺按摩院老闆並救出辛迪。比利代罪立功, 並獲得390幫會代班老大火砲(390幫會創始人火山之弟)的庇護。  比利一心想當390老大,火炮則認為比利有勇無謀並不合適,只命他為五虎之首,火 炮倒是下令找阿忠出來坐正390老大位子。為此比利心理不平衡。另一邊廂,死去的27幫會老大黑龍之子,人稱太子,從澳洲回來接管老大一職.太子以精明的頭腦和心狠手辣的手段經營27幫會,在甲洞夜店販賣毒品讓甲洞一夜之間變成了」毒城」。