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The Ring / 午夜凶铃(美版)


Rachel Keller is a journalist investigating a videotape that may have killed four teenagers (including her niece). There is an urban legend about this tape: the viewer will die seven days after watching it. If the legend is correct, Rachel will have to run against time to save her son’s and her own life.

坊间流传着一个恐怖的传说,它和一盒神秘的录像带有关,传说中,凡是看过这盘录像带的人,会在七天之后死亡。理性至上的女记者凯勒(娜奥米•沃茨 Naomi Watts 饰)只将此当成是一个玩笑,可侄女凯蒂(爱波•塔布琳 Amber Tamblyn 饰)的死却让她的信仰产生了动摇。凯勒的姐姐告诉凯勒,凯蒂曾和三个同学一起看过一盘诡异的录像带,而这三位同学无一例外都死于了非命。 凯勒决定着手调查此事,她找到了凯蒂曾经看过的录像带并看了录像带中的内容,之后,一个神秘的电话预示了凯勒死期已近。想要活命,凯勒就必须在七天之内找到录像带诅咒的真相,时间紧迫,凯勒最终能够成功脱险吗?