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Need for Speed / 极品飞车


Fresh from prison, a street racer who was framed by a wealthy business associate joins a cross country race with revenge in mind. His ex-partner, learning of the plan, places a massive bounty on his head as the race begins.

托比·马歇尔(亚伦·保尔 Aaron Paul 饰)本是一名蓝领机修工,偶尔参加地下赛车作为副业,却在一次比赛时遭陷害锒铛入狱,好友也在事故中丧生。出狱后,托比决定报仇雪恨,惟一能达成此目标的机会就是参加一项横跨美国东西两岸的地下赛车。等待他的是一系列令人心跳加速的飞车考验;而始于复仇的任务,也渐渐演变成一场赎罪之旅。托比扳倒敌手的决心绝不动摇……无论这要付出多大的代价。