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Big Fortune Hotel / 吉祥酒店


Limin became acquainted to the writer Cow who was living in the mansion. By chance he rescued Tai and Dai, a couple who loved photography. The four had a lot of strange and humorous encounters in the mansion, and had even attracted the attention of the landlord as well as the mysterious Lung Poh and Xiaodie. Xiaodie was murdered 30 years ago. They were touched by her story and decided to help her solve the murder. They asked the help from private investigator Chiyuen but he refused. So they decided to investigate for new clues themselves and surprisingly found …

音乐创作人黄立民来到马来西亚,被一所古老大宅吸引,还结识一名内向的小说家阿牛,立民决定留下来创作一首未完成的歌曲。 偶然的机会,立民救了摄影师比堤和模特儿比蒂。这四人在古老大宅遇到很多奇异怪诞的事情,并引来古老大宅的看守人包公和神秘的龙婆关注。 同时又遇上30年前死在大宅里的香港粤剧红伶陈小蝶,四人被小蝶悲惨的往事打动,不禁仗义为她寻找当年杀害她的真凶。 他们往找私家侦探叶志远,希望他能帮小蝶翻案,但志远不相信鬼神之说,没有受理。 他们唯有到处找线索,终发现……