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Saving Mr. Wu / 解救吾先生


Saving Mr. Wu is an action-packed crime thriller based on the true story of China’s famous celebrity kidnapping case. Mr. Wu (played by acclaimed film star Andy Lau) is kidnapped in Beijing by Zhang Hua (Wang Qianyuan) and three accomplices, all disguised as cops and demanding a ransom of 3 million RMB. In the ensuing 20 hours, the Chinese detectives led by Chief Xing (Liu Ye) quickly form a task force and sweep the city. Time is of the essence though as Mr. Wu is ordered to be killed at 9pm regardless of whether the money is collected or not. The police eventually apprehend Hua alone and a dangerous mental showdown develops between police interrogators and Hua. As the deadline rapidly approaches, the detectives and captors collide in a dramatic battle and showdown that leaves the audience on the edge of their seats. Saving Mr. Wu is directed by Ding Sheng, one of China’s most unique and visually compelling action directors (Little Big Soldier, Underdog Knight, Police Story 2013).

春节假期的夜晚,市中心的酒吧一条街繁华喧嚣,香港电影明星吾先生(刘德华 饰)走出酒吧就被冒充警察的张华(王千源 饰)一伙人持枪绑架到一个与世隔绝的郊外小院里。吾先生意外发现绑匪还绑架了另外一个人质小窦(蔡鹭 饰)经过与张华的一番谈判,吾先生将小窦从死亡线拉回。两人开始了争取生机并相依为命的惊险20小时。接到报案的警方迅速组织最强警力,刑警队长刑峰(刘烨 饰)和曹刚(吴若甫 饰)联手展开侦破工作。但狡猾狂妄的绑匪张华有很强的反侦察能力,对同伙和人质也都不讲规矩,单独出门与吾先生的好友(林雪 饰)交收赎款。但是他在取得赎金之际交代同伙到晚上九点,无论能不能拿到赎金都要将人质杀害。经过几番侦查和对抗,警方掌握了张华的行踪,邢峰和曹刚精准配合,在极度危险的情况下将张华抓获。此事离绑匪约定好的撕票时间还剩下两个小时。深夜九点即将到来,邢峰和曹刚再次联手与垂死挣扎的张华展开心里较量,并在最后时刻找到突破口,但张华的同伙却打算提早撕票……影片改编自2004年的“吴若甫绑架案”。