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The Tag-Along / 红衣小女孩


Based on true events and long-circulating urban legend in Taiwan. Wei is nowhere to be found one day before his grandma returns from her own strange missing incident. Wei’s girlfriend desperately searches for his whereabouts and finds that it is the horrifying mystery of the little girl in red that has followed and haunted them all along.

房产经纪人何志伟(黄河 饰)与奶奶(刘引商 饰)共同生活,他一心想要买属于自己的房子好跟交往5年的电台DJ女友怡君(许玮宁 饰)结婚,而怡君似乎还没有准备好。一天早上,阿伟发现奶奶离奇失踪了,通过门卫阿坤伯(张柏舟 饰)的帮忙,他发现奶奶疑似被一名诡异的红衣小女孩给带走了,这可能与山中传说有关,而危险正在步步靠近着自己。事故的几天后,失魂落魄的奶奶回来了,而阿伟却失踪了,无奈之下怡君开始了惊心动魄的找寻之旅,恐怖的真相也在接近着她。