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SHANGHAI NOIR / 暴走神探(国语)


On the beach, ten foreign market, concession buildings, evildoer men, more than silly money, glitz and evil coexist, named “adventurer Paradise”, also known as “the magic.” As a concession smartest one “package inquire,” Fan consistent (Ethan ornaments) every day to deal with everyday, derive a wide range of investigative information, and thus won the trust of the boss. Can until one day, after the owner took account of a top-secret mission, a variety of unexpected bizarre events followed: Female warlords Song Missy (Yang Shan ornaments) have been kidnapped, six killed by small juvenile street, elite schools female students, police stations and other colleagues were involved and spared, such as a van trying to stop the killing of innocent people, not even he himself did not expect the results of all murder of “number one suspect”, turned out to be his own! To wash charges, such as a van make all the stops, both to avoid the multi-hunt from the underworld, catching room and mysterious killer, but also to protect the blind girl Huilan newsboy monkey and dust (ZhouDongYu ornaments), Sacrificing Oneself, finally slowly close to the truth, the truth is much more cruel than he imagined ……

上海滩,十里洋场,租界林立,妖孽辈出,钱多人傻,浮华与罪恶并存,故名“冒险家乐园”,又名“魔都”。作为租界最聪明的一名“包打探”,范如一(阮经天 饰)每天都要跟三教九流打交道,从中获取各式各样的查案信息,也因此深得老板信任。可直到有一天,在接手老板交代的一项绝密任务之后,各种意想不到的离奇事件接踵而至:军阀之女宋小乔(杨子姗 饰)遭到绑架,少年小六惨死街头,贵族学校女学生、巡捕房同事等均被卷入其中且无一幸免,范如一试图阻止无辜者被杀,结果却连他自己也始料未及,所有凶案的“头号凶嫌”,竟然是他自己!为了洗刷罪名,范如一使尽浑身解数,既要躲避来自黑道、捕房和神秘杀手的多方追捕,更要保护报童小猴和风尘盲女慧兰(周冬雨 饰),舍得一身剐,终于慢慢接近真相,可真相却比他想象的残酷得多……