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At Cafe 6 / 六弄咖啡馆


After her car breaks down on a rainy night, Miss Liang enters a nearby coffee shop called Cafe 6. The owner of the shop finds out that Miss Liang has just gotten into a fight with her boyfriend who is currently overseas, so to kill time, he shares a story of his time back in 1996. During that year, Guan Min-lu and his good friend Xiao Bo-zhi always hang out together. Min-lu is secretly in love with Li Xin-rui while Bo-zhi is attracted to Xin-rui’s best friend, Cai Xin-yi. The four young teenagers share a good relationship with each other and spend their days happily every day. But as their graduation day draws near, they wonder if they can still stay committed with each other after going their separate ways.

电影《六弄咖啡馆》改编自藤井树(吴子云)的同名畅销小说,同时导演和编剧也是由原著作者出任,刘杰担任影片监制。主要讲述男主小绿(董子健 饰)和女主心蕊(颜卓灵 饰)之间一场真挚却无奈的青春爱情故事,对于亲情和友情的探究,以及距离对爱情的考验,同时关注年轻人对待成长和人生的态度与状态。