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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice/蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明


The general public is concerned over having Superman on their planet and letting the “Dark Knight” – Batman – pursue the streets of Gotham. While this is happening, a power-phobic Batman tries to attack Superman.,Meanwhile Superman tries to settle on a decision, and Lex Luthor, the criminal mastermind and millionaire, tries to use his own advantages to fight the “Man of Steel”.

故事发生在大都会之战18个月后,在那场战斗中许多建筑和市民惨遭波及。因为超人(亨利•卡维尔 饰)帮助人类解决了很多问题而被当做神来膜拜,但超人也因与佐德之战对城市造成的破坏而遭到逮捕和审讯,一度成为都市传说的蝙蝠侠韦恩(本•阿弗莱克 饰)重新出现在人们面前,他似乎正是为了惩罚超人而来。年轻的富豪莱克斯•卢瑟(杰西•艾森伯格 饰)又在二者的矛盾中挑拨离间,神秘的戴安娜•普林斯(盖尔•加朵 饰)也因自己的目的介入其中…