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Lowlife Love / 下众之爱


Tetsuo (Kiyohiko Shibukawa) is a lowlife. A film director with a small indie hit many years back, yet he has never gotten any further as he refuses to go against his ‘artistic integrity’. He’s a real loser. Despite being in his late 30s, he still lives with his mother and sister, borrowing money off them and scrounging from all he comes in contact with. This includes his best friend Mamoru (Yoshihiko Hosoda), who makes porn films with him for dodgy characters in order to make money, as well as the film actors’ school they’ve setup to exploit their students as well as for him to sleep with wannabe actresses. He’s a real jerk. Then one day two new students come to his school: Minami (Maya Okano), a naive and fresh girl from the countryside who wants to be an actress and Ken (Shugo Oshinari), a scriptwriter who has been living overseas. Tetsuo sees something in Minami and feels she has what it takes to be a real star and Ken has a brilliant script which could be the fantastic new project…

即将迈入不惑之年的独立製片导演铁男,终日无所事事,只能靠唯一得过的小奖说嘴,藉此骗想当演员的女人上床。身边班底各个都很失败:靠拍性爱影片赚钱的副导阿守、不断跟别的导演上床却还是没机会的演员响子,以及只会出一张嘴的监製贵田。一天,铁男遇见了极有表演天份但性格保守的乡下女孩小南,激发了自己的创作热情,但筹不出钱,生不出剧本,过程处处碰壁。眼看电影总算要开拍,小南却被大导演横刀夺爱,还渐渐闯出名声。蓦然回首,铁男还是一无所有,一直在他身边守候的,只有暗恋他的阿守,以及一堆死对头。 从来没有电影把电影人拍得如此好笑而难堪。导演内田英治表示:「失败者与废物、垃圾最大的不同,在于失败者能爱,而废物与垃圾不能。」一群看来永远出不了头却为理想奋斗的鲁蛇,与站在事业顶峰却忘了初衷,无法去爱的王者,究竟谁才真正快乐?也难怪无论多卑鄙难堪,都掩盖不了电影带给他们的那抹光芒…