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Get Out / 逃出绝命镇


A young black man visits his white girlfriend’s family estate where he learns that many of its residents, who are black, have gone missing, and he soon learns the horrible truth when a fellow black man on the estate warns him to “get out”. He soon learns this is easier said than done.

黑人小伙克里斯(丹尼尔•卡卢亚 饰)和他的白人女朋友露丝(艾莉森•威廉姆斯 饰)相处到了见父母的阶段,她邀请他去自己父母家度周末。起初,克里斯把她家人过度热情的行为,解读为他们对女儿的跨种族恋爱的紧张应对。但随着时间的推移,一系列令人不安的发现使他认识到一个难以想象的真相,这一切背后是一个邪恶的种族阴谋。