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Till the End of the World / 南极之恋


The unlikely pairing of a spoiled millionaire venture capitalist scouting for extreme wedding tour locations and a grounded science photographer en route to chronicle the Aurora Australis lights face the ultimate 75 day test for survival and redemption after their twin engine craft crashes during a debilitating snowstorm over the vast desolate nether-regions of Antartica.

南极,一场坠机,婚庆公司老板吴富春(赵又廷 饰)和高空物理学家荆如意(杨子姗 饰)相遇,两个毫无共同语言的男女在南极腹地无人区冒险生存75天。在酷寒、没有物质供应、随处都是绝境的环境中,活下去已经变成每一天的最大愿望。在寻找救援的过程中,这对性格水火不容但命运却又相濡以沫的人,敬畏了自然,领悟了爱情。