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Keep Calm and Be a Superstar / 卧底巨星


ZHU from China, as a huge fan of Hong Kong cinema, has always dream of become a cop like in the movies, who unfortunately failed the fitness exam in China’s Police Force selection because of asthma. 动作巨星元豹(陈奕迅 饰)走红二十余载却从未得到过最佳男主角,因与泰国黑帮老大“八面佛”交好而被怀疑参与跨国贩毒犯罪,铁杆迷弟铁柱(李荣浩 饰)通过擅长“潜规则”的副导(崔志佳 饰)潜入元豹新电影的剧组,努力配合警方收集证据想为偶像洗脱嫌疑。在经历了恋上女一号童童(李一桐 饰),得罪元豹经纪人泰格(陈国坤 饰),晋升成为男二号,目睹偶像用替身、耍大牌等一系列啼笑皆非的“娱乐圈初体验”之后,铁柱也终于离案件更近了一些……