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Mission: Impossible – Fallout


When an IMF mission ends badly, the world is faced with dire consequences. As Ethan Hunt takes it upon himself to fulfill his original briefing, the CIA begin to question his loyalty and his motives. The IMF team find themselves in a race against time, hunted by assassins while trying to prevent a global catastrophe.伊森·亨特(汤姆·克鲁斯饰)和队友们接到了追回三个大杀伤性核武器的任务。眼见任务马上就能完成,但为了挽救其中一位队友卢瑟(文·瑞姆斯饰)的生命,三个核武器被人趁机带走。中情局负责人斯隆女士(安吉拉·贝塞特饰)调来她手下的得意猛将沃克(亨利·卡维尔饰),让他盯着伊森·亨特完成追回核武器的任务。期间,女特工伊尔莎(丽贝卡·弗格森饰)突然出现,伊森·亨特发现,他要面对的并不只是恐怖分子,还有潜藏在政府部门的内鬼。