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The Adventurers / 侠盗联盟


Infamous thief Cheung Tan has recently been released from prison. Soon after his release, Cheung immediately plots a heist with his partners Xiao Bao and Ye Hong in order to steal precious jewels in Europe. Meanwhile, French detective Pierre has been hot on Cheung’s trails for many years. This time, he decides to capture Cheung and his gang of thieves for good.

江洋大盗张丹(刘德华 饰)在一次行动中遭遇黑吃黑,失手被擒入狱。三年后,出狱的张丹会合老搭档小宝(杨祐宁 饰),与新入伙的叶红(舒淇 饰)联手,在追捕自己多年的法国警探皮埃尔(让•雷诺 饰)眼皮底下盗窃得手。 小试身手之后,张丹找到宝物的买家——与自己情同父子的犯罪组织头目金刚(曾志伟 饰),二人重逢之后,张丹接到新的任务。与此同时,为将张丹一伙人捉拿归案,皮埃尔说服对张丹因爱生恨的前女友Amber(张静初 饰)加入追捕行动。 从戛纳到布拉格,跨越欧洲大陆的猫鼠游戏正激烈上演。几次短兵相接后,张丹的行踪逐渐被皮埃尔掌握。而随着一行人接近终极目标,张丹的真实计划也逐渐浮出水面……