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Who Killed Cock Robin / 目击者之追凶


The story about an ambitious journalist who eagerly pursues a long-forgotten accident. When the sole survivor of the accident suddenly disappears, he realizes that nothing is what it seems, and the unimaginable dark truth will haunt him for the rest of his life.

冲劲十足、富有野心的社会线记者小齐,在报导一则事故车还魂新闻时,意外发现9年前一宗肇事逃逸命案并不单纯,虽然提案不被长官邱哥重视,但相信直觉的小齐找上菜鸟警员阿纬帮忙,并说服女主管Maggie连手调查当年的真相。当小齐、Maggie 好不容易找到命案中唯一生还的受害者徐爱婷,并取得采访同意后 ,徐爱婷却无故失踪了…到底九年前被隐瞒的真相是什么?