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Firestorm / 风暴


A storm is heading to the city, and with it comes another occurrence so destructive, it vows to bring down everything it touches. A crew of seasoned criminals led by the notorious Nam (Hu Jun), armed with high-powered weapons, pulls off another smooth and violent armored car heist in broad daylight in a crowded street..

香港闹市街头,一辆押款车被前科累累的重犯曹楠(胡军 饰)劫持。重案组高级督察吕明哲(刘德华 饰)率队赶往现场,与曹楠一伙发生激烈火拼。谁知危机关头,一辆突然出现的汽车搅乱战局。曹楠趁机逃走,而那辆车的车主陶成邦(林家栋 饰)被警方请入警局。陶和明哲是老同学,后来作为古惑仔混迹江湖。出事前他刚刚出狱不久。明哲以及成邦的女友燕冰(姚晨 饰)无论如何都不相信他和曹楠无关,而嚣张的曹楠更五次三番戏耍警察。为了抓住这个狡猾凶狠的对手,明哲决定安排内应潜入对方内部,无奈遭遇惨烈挫败。