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League of Gods / 封神传奇(粤语)


Based on the 16th-century Chinese novel Feng Shen Yan Yi (The Investiture of the Gods), the story tells of how King Zhou of Shang becomes a tyrant due to the wiles of Daji, a vixen spirit who is disguised as one of his concubines.

三千年前,商末,昏君纣王(梁家辉 饰)受妖妃妲己(范冰冰 饰)蛊惑,联手申公豹(古天乐 饰),试图召唤黑暗力量降生灭世黑龙,一时间妖孽横行,民不聊生……为阻止昏君灭世,姜子牙(李连杰 饰)命雷震子(向佐 饰)、哪吒(文章 饰)与杨戬(黄晓明 饰)联手寻找光明之剑斩妖除魔,并协助武王引领西岐大军攻打朝歌。不料妲己施法令姜子牙中了逆生咒,朝歌大战迫在眉睫,黑龙降世已成定局,天下再度陷入危机……