The Hong Kong Police placed 1000 undercover officers in the various Triad groups in their efforts to bring down the criminal organization in Hong Kong. After one undercover officer’s identity is discovered and he is killed, the pressure is put on one gang, suspicious of each other and everyone around them. Betrayal, deceit and murder bring this group of ‘brothers’ into a collision with the law, and each other.
相传警方派驻了上千卧底深入黑帮,就等时机成熟把社团一网打尽。此时警方雄图大志,将潜伏已久终于爆发的行动命名为“百年孤寂”。洪兴社树大招风,社团里各个话事人开始草木皆兵。相反洪兴老大淡定自若,他的女人苏菲(秦海璐饰)替他周旋于各帮派期间,力稳局势。 然而洪兴社团的众人已经按捺不住躁动。人人自危的情势开始:分管不同领域的华超(吴镇宇饰)、黎继祥(曾志伟饰)、钟孝礼(张智霖饰)、游志标(陈小春饰)几人当中,有的已经被警方掌握了犯罪证据,有的正陷入一场恐慌,看不清身边谁人是卧底身份。警方铲除洪兴社团即日可待