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La cara oculta / 黑暗面


Adrián, an aspiring and talented orchestra conductor, receives a video message from his beloved Belén, telling him with tears in her eyes that she is leaving him and that she cannot carry on with him. Shattered by the unexpected news and puzzled by the inexplicable decision, Adrián gets help from the local Police to solve this case of disappearance. Time passes by and still no news of Belén’s whereabouts, so life gradually begins to return to its normal pace, when out of the blue, a new woman appears in Adrián’s life. With no progress at all in Belén’s case and all things possible, no one will be able to see beyond the facts and comprehend the truth that often lies hidden in the most unusual of places…

年轻指挥家亚德里安(奎姆•古铁雷兹 Quim Gutiérrez 饰)的女友贝伦(克拉拉•拉戈 Clara Lago饰)失踪了,活不见人死不见尸,只留下一段视频讯息。郁闷的亚德里安不断被警察怀疑和调查,烦不胜烦之下到小酒馆浇愁,一不小心喝的大醉,受到女招待法比安娜(玛蒂娜•加西亚 Martina García)照顾,两人迅速陷入新的恋情。很快,法比安娜住进亚德里安的大宅,敏感的她时时感到房子里面不对劲,浴室里面好像总有奇怪的声音,亚德里安对此不以为意,但法比安娜开始时时留心,还一度怀疑是他前女友的鬼魂作祟。一天,在卧室更衣的法比安娜拾到一把古怪的钥匙,似乎接近了一个天大的秘密……