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Myûjiamu / 恶魔蛙男


Detective Hisashi Sawamura (Shun Oguri) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police is tired, behind and dealing with the departure of his ungrateful wife. Having lost his family, he now deals with both the serial murders or who is apparently punishing his victims. The horror comes courtesy of the manga, Museum: The Serial Killer Is Laughing In The Rain.

影片根据巴亮介的同名惊悚漫画改编,漫画2013年连载于《YOUNG MAGAZINE》上,因充斥恐怖暴力元素而赢得广泛关注,同时在围绕电影化权的争夺战上也成为一度的话题。故事讲述了警视厅搜查一课的刑事泽村久志(小栗旬 饰)担当调查仅在雨中发生的连环猎奇杀人案,在犯罪现场留下秘一般的信息以及似乎以被发现为前提的尸体顺藤摸瓜发现了头戴青蛙面具的犯罪嫌疑人“蛙男”的存在,为解开事件背后犯人的目的,泽村被逼入绝境与其展开周旋与对抗。