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Ruyi village people burned the forest and the fields, exhausted and fished, and the river god was sent to punish. I don’t know the Jiangzi tooth in the house, I mistakenly thought that the river god privately slaughtered the people, so he suppressed it and accidentally injured the villagers during the battle. Unexpectedly, this was in violation of the immortal rules. Jiang Ziya was punished for being bombarded by Tianlei for fifteen days. 如意村百姓焚林而田,竭泽而渔,河神被派下凡惩戒。不知就里的姜子牙,误以为河神私自屠戮百姓,于是将其镇压,战斗时误伤村民。不料此举有违仙规,姜子牙被罚遭受天雷轰击十五日,仍死不认错,被仙尊贬下凡间,被青鸾所救,与如意村村民相识。不料河神冲破封印,姜子牙为恢复神力,与众人前往封神陵取回打神鞭,放下执念顿悟后与河神一战获得胜利,最终姜子牙请求天尊以凡人之躯自闭渭水河畔五十年,换取受难村民重生,为天下之事倾尽一生。