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RIDE / 疾速求生


Jesse and Claude are two extreme sports athletes, two riders in continuous challenge and search for money. When they find out of the enigmatic proposal for a mysterious contest by an unknown organization, Black Babylon, they can’t turn down the $ 150,000 prize. But the “contest” will turn out to be much darker and deadlier than expected. 神秘高额奖金的单车竞速比赛,背后却出现惊人阴谋,意外展开限时求生赛… 凯尔和马克斯是极限单车手。凯尔有家庭但妻子受不了他不务正业,还整天拿生命当赌注,决定暂时分开并带走女儿;马可斯则欠了地下钱庄没有能力偿还债务,遇到严重的财务危机。他们偶然收到神秘组织「黑色巴比伦」举办的越野竞赛邀请,获胜奖金25万美元,在奖金驱使下决定参加竞赛。没想到比赛开始后竟转变成一场恐怖仪式般的真人实境游戏,中途不仅地形诡谲多变,还同时遭神秘车手追杀,甚至发现比赛背后的惊人阴谋,正威胁他们的生命…这场限时求生赛,他们究竟该如何突破层层关卡,找到比赛/生命的出口呢?