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THE LEAKERS / 泄密者(中文)


The film centers around a Malaysian pharmaceutical company using a new virus to generate an epidemic. A secret organization, known as “The Leaker”, discloses this information. After the suicide of the pharmaceutical company’s son and a local reporter, the wife of the pharmaceutical company’s owner leaves for Hong Kong. A Malaysian police chief , Hong Kong police officer, and journalist work together to locate her whereabouts.马来西亚爆发神秘传染病,当地药业公司AMANAH研究的特效药MD5成为救助病患的神丹妙药。可是一直跟踪报道该疾病的记者宋丹文意外死亡,跟着AMANAH总裁张日善(郑则仕 饰)的儿子在办公室自杀身亡。经警方调查,张公子纯系他杀。与此同时,张公子的妻子彭珍美(周秀娜 饰)秘密跑到香港,她随身携带的机密引起多方势力的争抢。香港警察王大伟(吴镇宇 饰)与马来西亚皇家警察警长李永勤(张智霖 饰)接头,协助调查这一系列案件。不久后,王大伟收到一段视频,视频录制者自称“泄密者”指控AMANAH是绝命病毒的始作俑者,而张日善的二儿子更落到他们手中。   与死神争分夺秒,李永勤和王大伟展开夺命追查……