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Finding Dory / 海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿


Dory is a wide-eyed, blue tang fish who suffers from memory loss every 10 seconds or so. The one thing she can remember is that she somehow became separated from her parents as a child. With help from her friends Nemo and Marlin, Dory embarks on an epic adventure to find them. Her journey brings her to the Marine Life Institute, a conservatory that houses diverse ocean species. Dory now knows that her family reunion will only happen if she can save mom and dad from captivity.

大家最喜爱的、健忘的多莉(艾伦•德杰尼勒斯 Ellen DeGeneres 配音)回来了!这次她将与好朋友尼莫(海登•罗兰斯 Hayden Rolence 配音)与马林(艾伯特•布鲁克斯 Albert Brooks 配音)一起,寻找她的神秘过去和她遗失的家庭。她能记起来什么?她的父母是谁?还有,她是从哪儿学会了说鲸语?多莉与马林、尼莫一起开启了这场改变“鱼”生的大冒险,穿越大洋至加州著名的海洋生物研究所。 在这里,多莉获得了三位有趣居民的鼎力支持:一只脾气暴躁、经常让研究所雇员找得团团转的章鱼汉克(艾德•奥尼尔 Ed O’Neill 配音);一头坚信自己的生物声呐技能出问题了的白鲸贝利(泰•布利尔 Ty Burrell 配音);以及一头严重近视眼的鲸鲨运儿(凯特琳•奥尔森 Kaitlin Olson 配音)。当多莉和朋友们在研究所错综复杂的内部水道中辗转前行时,她也逐渐对友谊、亲情和家庭的奥义有了更深刻的认识……