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Love Is The Only Answer / 人约离婚后


It is a Hong Kong film starring Alex Fong as Ryan whom is a playboy and after all the time with other girls, his love is still towards his wife, Bobo (Charmaine Sheh). The story revolves on the development of their relationship that went awful in their marriage that led to divorce immediately, but eventually bringing them back together. The message delivered from this film is that girls nowadays do not like perfect boy, but rather have interest on bad boys that contribute challenge to their love relationship. Okay..I can say that the message is clearly and brilliantly delivered throughout the film. The performance by the casts is really amazing and good.

阿宝(佘诗曼 饰)在与Ryan(方力申 饰)婚礼一个月前,拿到了对方的手机并得到了其中的自拍偷情视频,在二人的婚礼上,阿宝为报复丈夫,将视频当众播放并宣布即刻离婚。但离婚的两人并未割断联系,阿宝租用Ryan的铺面开店,而Ryan则不时需要前妻救场,来赶走那些粘人不放的小情人。Ryan以给前妻找男友为借口,将阿宝诓骗到换妻聚会中,并结识了世杰(罗仲谦 饰)夫妻俩,Ryan与世杰妻子曼丽寻欢,而世杰亦对阿宝动心并展开攻势,阿宝防线终被世杰击破,但他们的交往却引起Ryan醋意。经此一事,Ryan意识到自己始终在乎阿宝,试图挽回失去的爱人…