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The Menu / 导火新闻线


The Menu is a 2016 Hong Kong drama film about journalism and the sequel to the television series of the same name. The film is directed by Ben Fong, who also directed the television series, and stars Ng Man-tat, Gregory Wong, Catherine Chau and Kate Yeung. The film was released on 4 August 2016.

电视剧《导火新闻线》原班人马拍摄电影版,更加入吴孟达,前主播方健仪等增加新鲜感。 影片讲述囧报及闪报为了点击率的媒体斗争,却无意陷入了寻仇者闯入电视台用炸弹挟持人质,向政府高层请愿通过恢复二次申诉,作为媒体正邪两方是如何站在各自立场斗智斗勇,事态不断升级揭露出官商勾结等隐情,人质与寻仇者命悬一线……