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The Mobfathers / 选老顶


Fans of Hong Kong cinema who miss the “heroic bloodshed” films of yore: You’re in for a real treat. The godfather (stalwart actor Anthony Wong) of the gang Jing Hing is dying from cancer. Before his passing, he and the senior “uncles” need to select a new Dragon Head to run the daily operations of the five gangs under their control. Chuck, a previous leader of the metal gang, has recently been released from serving five years in prison. A lifelong member of Jing Hing, his dream is to be Dragon Head, yet his wife wants him to leave the criminal life and spend time with their only child, born while he was in prison. Wulf, a pretty-boy former cop and leader of the fire gang, also wants the job. These two must battle it out to persuade the uncles that one of them is the right man for the job. But when Chuck calls for the gang members themselves and not the “uncles” to vote for the next Dragon Head, he dangerously steps over a line that no one should cross, causing the uncles to crack down in a round of assassinations, beatings, and bloody mayhem to reinforce their authority. A thinly veiled allegory of China’s “one country, two systems” policy, The Mobfathers is brimming with machete-wielding outrage for Hong Kong’s ongoing desire for universal suffrage.

黑帮的「龙头」是整个帮会至高无上的总揸fit人,负责决策帮会中一切大小事务。多年来,叔父们为了维护自身利益和继续掌控帮会大权,都会推举一个听命于他们的头目来当影子龙头。一直对龙头大佬职位虎视眈眈的「火」字堆大佬豺狼(王宗尧饰)向叔父自荐成为候选人,而刚刑满出狱的「金」字堆大佬阿七(杜汶泽饰)则不满小圈子制度, 大胆发起「公投选龙头」。为了要得到帮中兄弟和各堆门生的支持,豺狼和阿七各显实力,向各方示好,又互相揭发黑材料。当几个字堆争得头崩额裂之时,元老级人马神爷(黄秋生 饰)究竟又在背后密谋些什么呢?