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Vampire Cleanup Departmen/救僵清道夫


n contemporary Hong Kong, typical young generation Tim Cheung joins the Vampire Cleanup Department team which is a special and secret task force for dealing Chinese vampire Goeng Si. During the operation he is instructed by his uncle Chau of the team senior officer, and finally he saves a female Goeng Si, Summer from her master evil lord Goeng Si who buried alive her in the feudalistic era.

香港開埠以來,一直有殭屍出沒。城市隱藏著一個捉殭屍的秘密組織— 食環署特別行動組,簡稱VCD。半夜掃街的清道夫其實是殭屍獵人,巨大的垃圾桶裡藏著剛收伏的殭屍,旁人避而遠之的垃圾房…正正就是他們秘密基地! 善心宅男張春天(蔡瀚億飾)偶然被VCD打救,組織領頭(吳耀漢飾)發現他的血能抗屍毒,認定其潛力無限,要武功高強的打手葉之秋(錢小豪飾)、技術支援組老姜(袁祥仁飾)與大舊駒(羅莽飾)向他傳授畢生所學,繼承組織使命﹗ 一次組織行動,張春天不忍傷害漂亮女殭屍小夏(林明禎飾),違反命令與她共住一室,引來百年老殭屍王的致命攻撃……