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Zombie Fight Club / 尸城


It’s the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime – Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny’s boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

世紀末,城市的某角落,一棟充斥著各樣犯罪的大樓…當大樓內的所有人突然變成喪屍,男友慘被喪屍殺害的Jenny (Jessica C飾)只有靠自己絕境求存。為了活下去而走在一起的Jenny與Andy (安志杰飾),遇上了喪屍的管治者–可惜這個原來溫文儒雅的化學老師此刻卻成為了一個兇殘、陰險、自私、好色的暴力份子。殺戮遊戲展開,囚徒只有不斷跟喪屍在競技場上上演生死搏鬥以求保命,人性的美善也被一記記的重拳粉碎。在世界秩序完全崩壞的這一刻,倖存的人類將面對如何的一個世紀 – 是末日,希望,還是死亡?