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Allied / 间谍同盟


In the middle of World War II, in turbulent 1942, a plane flies over Morocco and drops a Royal Canadian Air Force paratrooper who comes in to land on a drop zone, somewhere in the desert dunes outside Casablanca. Just in time before anyone notices him, the fearless Wing Commander Max Vatan gets in a car and heads to the town with orders to meet Parisian Marianne Beauséjour, a skillful member of the French Resistance. On a mission to assassinate the German Ambassador in Casablanca, the two operatives must convince every one of their true feelings as a married couple, while in the background, they need to make the necessary preparations for the critical soirée. Without delay, after the success of this suicide mission, Max and Marianne flee together to England with plans on marrying and making a family, regardless of the war. Instead, heavy clouds of distrust and suspicion threaten their relationship, when Max receives a call from the Secret Service Division to inform him that his …

1942年,卡萨布兰卡。盟军反情报特工马克斯•瓦坦(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)拿取了在法国维希政府卧底玛丽安(玛丽昂•歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)的法国抵抗运动间谍丈夫的身份。他发现玛丽安在伦敦的秘密,而且发现他俩之间的关系变成了假戏真做。在完成一个危险的北非任务之后,他们决定金盘洗手,结婚以后在伦敦开始了清净的生活。但是马克斯慢慢发现他的妻子可能是纳粹间谍,他需要找出她真正的身份。