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Demolition / 破碎人生


Davis (Jake Gyllenhaal), a successful investment banker, struggles after losing his wife in a tragic car crash. Despite pressure from his father-in-law, Phil (Chris Cooper), to pull it together, Davis continues to unravel. What starts as a complaint letter to a vending machine company turns into a series of letters revealing startling personal admissions. Davis’ letters catch the attention of customer service rep, Karen (Naomi Watts), and, amidst emotional and financial burdens of her own, the two form an unlikely connection. With the help of Karen and her son Chris (Judah Lewis), Davis starts to rebuild, beginning with the demolition of the life he once knew.

《爆破》由布莱恩•赛普(Bryan Sipe)编剧,故事讲述杰克•吉伦哈尔(Jake Gyllenhaal)饰演的一位投资银行家在妻子遭遇意外身亡后,生活变得支离破碎,直到遇到了娜奥米•沃茨(Naomi Watts)饰演的单亲妈妈,人生才有了转机。据悉,娜奥米•沃茨饰演的这位单亲妈妈是一个和又老板约会、又吸大麻的客户服务代表,她的公司专门生产自动贩卖机。她和男主角的相遇也充满戏剧性,男主角的钱被自动贩卖机吞了,她去处理投诉时了解到了男主角的不幸遭遇,继而与他有了进一步的接触。