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District 9/D-9異形禁區


In an alternate 1982, an alien ship inexplicably stops over Johannesburg. When investigation teams enter the ship, they discover a population of sick and malnourished extraterrestrials, referred to as “prawns”. The South African government confines the aliens to “District 9”, a government camp that is located outside of Johannesburg. Twenty-eight years later, in 2010, following periodic conflict between the aliens and the locals living near District 9, the government hires private military company Multinational United (MNU) to relocate the aliens to a new internment. Wikus van de Merwe (Sharlto Copley), an Afrikaner bureaucrat, is appointed by Piet Smit (Louis Minnaar), an MNU executive and his father-in-law, to lead the relocation. Meanwhile, three aliens — Christopher Johnson (Jason Cope), his son, and a friend — scavenge pieces of their technology from which they distill a fluid of their native provenance, and store it

故事開始在1982年,在南非约翰内斯堡上空突然出现了一艘巨大的外星人长程采矿船[5]停留于该处,人们惶恐不安,而又分外好奇。根据报道显示,这艘飞船的一块命令模块偶然掉落在地球后导致其搁浅。经过长达三个月的等待后,太空船仍沒有動靜,而登上船艦的探索小组发现了舱内约有100万名身体状况欠佳的节肢动物状外星物种,而这些外星人在寻求庇护。在被接送下來后,入住非洲的外星人中有部分人从事犯罪和破坏活动,从而导致了政府对其进行人口控制的需求。南非政府将他们限制在约翰内斯堡的一个贫民窟中,内部代号第九区。由于他们长得像一种南非的巨型蟋蟀“城镇大虾”(Parktown Prawn),因此被当地人称为“大虾”[5]。 來到28年後的現在,经过数年的繁衍后,外星人的数量已一发不可收拾。一個名叫Multinational United的機構(列国联盟,簡稱MNU)要去執行外星人遷移計畫,而主角威库斯(沙尔托·科普雷飾) 為此次任務的負責人,他的任務是要讓外星人簽下移居同意書。威库斯在拜訪外星人的時候,不小心感染到外星人的能源—“流体”,因而慢慢演化為外星人。在演 化的过程中,威库斯被MNU所抓到並且在他身上做實驗,由於威库斯已擁有外星人的DNA,而從外星人繳來的武器必須以他們的DNA才可以啟動,威库斯无疑已经成了解开外星人武器技术的秘密钥匙,這也使得他成了全世界追捕的对象,因为他象征着MNU武器实验中最有价值的关键所在。威库斯在受到了同类无尽的排斥和不友好的对待後,最後唯有匿藏在第九区內。