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First Kill / 首杀


In an attempt to reconnect with his son Danny, successful Wall Street broker Will takes his family on a vacation to the cabin where he grew up. While Will and Danny are hunting, their trip takes a deadly turn when they witness the murder of a crooked police officer as a bank robbery goes awry. When Danny is taken hostage by the criminals, Will is forced to help them evade the police chief investigating the murder and recover the stolen money in exchange for his son’s life.

威尔(海登•克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen 饰)是一个成功的华尔街股票经纪人,为了修补他和儿子丹尼(Ty Shelton 饰)的关系,威尔带着自己的家人来到了自己成长的小屋度假。当威尔和丹尼在狩猎时,他们目睹了一起谋杀。好心的威尔把伤者带回了家并且医治了他,可是男子却绑架了丹尼,并要求威尔帮助他们把钱拿回来。而与此同时,警长(布鲁斯•威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)也对此案十分感兴趣,而威尔的新指令便是帮助劫匪们躲避警长的追查……