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Hazel Grace Lancaster, a sixteen-year-old with thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs, attends a cancer patient support group at her mother’s behest. During a support meeting, Hazel meets a 17-year-old boy named Augustus Waters, whose osteosarcoma caused him to lose his leg. Augustus is at the meeting to support his friend, Isaac, who is losing his remaining eye to cancer. The two bond immediately after the meeting and Augustus invites Hazel to his house where the two strengthen their bond over a movie and their experiences with cancer. Before departing, the two agree to read each other’s favorite novels. Augustus gives Hazel The Price of Dawn, and Hazel recommends An Imperial Affliction, a novel written by Peter Van Houten about a cancer-stricken girl named Anna that parallels Hazel’s own experience. After Augustus finishes reading her book, he is frustrated upon learning that the novel ends abruptly without a conclusion. Hazel explains the novel’s author had retreated following the novel’s publication and has not been heard from since.

Hazel Grace Lancaster (莎蓮·活莉飾) 患有末期甲狀腺癌,並已轉移到肺部,她很沮喪,她的媽媽極力勸她參與當地教會的青少年癌友互助支援小組來廣交朋友。在一次小組聚會上Hazel認識了一個少年Augustus Waters(Gus) (安塞爾·埃爾格特飾),他患的骨肉瘤使他失去了一條腿。二人在小組認識後,Gus邀請Hazel到他的家中作客,他們都發現二人有相似的興趣和對癌症的看法都很相似,Hazel建議Gus看看《An Imperial Affliction》,這小說是關於一名罹患癌症的女孩Anna,她的經歷與Hazel的自身經歷很相似,Gus看完小說後,發現小說結束突然而且沒有結論後十分沮喪。