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The Other Side of the Door / 亡界之门


A family lives an idyllic existence abroad until a tragic accident takes the life of their young son. The inconsolable mother learns of an ancient ritual that will bring him back to say a final goodbye. She travels to an ancient temple, where a door serves as a mysterious portal between two worlds. But when she disobeys a sacred warning to never open that door, she upsets the balance between life and death.

故事发生在印度孟买,六年前,从事贸易工作的迈克(杰瑞米•西斯托 Jeremy Sisto)突然得知妻子玛丽娅(莎拉•韦恩•卡丽丝 Sarah Wayne Callies 饰)怀孕的消息。在人生最幸福的时刻,他决定定居印度,婚后不久儿子奥利弗(洛根•克里伦 Logan Creran 饰)和女儿露西(索菲亚•罗新斯基 Sofia Rosinsky 饰)接连降生。但是一次意外车祸让玛丽娅不得不在两个孩子之间做出抉择,她也由此痛失爱子。此后的岁月里,玛丽娅始终沉浸在深深的自责之中无法自拔,绝望促使她饮药自尽。从昏迷中醒来后,印度女仆告诉她一个可以和死去儿子见面的办法。  家庭破败的边缘,以及对儿子深深的思念,终于让玛丽娅决心走向阴阳两界……