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V for Vendetta / V字仇杀队


Tells the story of Evey Hammond and her unlikely but instrumental part in bringing down the fascist government that has taken control of a futuristic Great Britain. Saved from a life-and-death situation by a man in a Guy Fawkes mask who calls himself V, she learns a general summary of V’s past and, after a time, decides to help him bring down those who committed the atrocities that led to Britain being in the shape that it is in.

未来的英国社会处于极权统治的高压下,不能容许同性恋者、异教徒等社会角色的存在,人民在黑暗政权下苟延残喘。 这晚,年轻女子艾薇(娜塔丽•波特曼 Natalie Portman饰)身陷险境,幸得V(雨果•维文 Hugo Weaving饰)相助。V是一个永远带着面具的神秘男子,拥有高智商和超凡战斗力。V继承了前革命英雄的使命,为了推翻荒唐极权的统治阶层,他成立了神秘的地下组织,摧毁了伦敦的标志性建筑,点燃了反政府的熊熊烈火。 艾薇和V深入接触,不仅得知了V的神秘使命,还渐渐发现原来自己的身世,注定了自己和V是同一条阵线的人。