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Exorcist / 退魔:巫女窟


Jin-myung is a psychiatrist and exorcist. Together with his assistant Ji-kwang, he is traveling around in South Korea and helps the victims of demonic possession. His latest mission is to cure Geum-Joo, who terrorizes her environment against her will but without the usual signs of demonic possession. Even Jin-myung fails to help her at first, so he decides to take some research which leads him and Ji-kwang to a forbidden cave that is the origin of some dark legends.

由金成鈞、柳善、千浩振主演的恐怖驚悚電影《退魔:巫女窟》于18日舉行了開機祭祀儀式,并于20日正式開機。該片改編自以濟州島金甯蛇窟傳說爲内容的申振武作家的恐怖小說《巫女窟》,曾與金成鈞合作《鄰居》的金輝導演執導筒。 在18日的開機祭祀儀式現場,演員、導演和制片人員齊聚一堂,一起祈禱拍攝順利進行。主創們也表示,“會盡力打造能夠對這個暑期檔負責的恐怖電影。”金成鈞此前在《華頤:吞噬怪物的孩子》、《嫌疑人》、《群盜:民亂的時代》、《殺人委托》等影片中展現過多樣面貌,如今也是他演技活動的全盛期,此次在新片中他将飾演會通靈術的精神科醫生鎮明一角,将變身尖銳、敏感的人物性格。