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Scare Campaign / 恐吓运动


Popular prank TV show, Scare Campaign, has been entertaining audiences for the last 5 years with its mix of old school scares and hidden camera fun. But as we enter a new age of online TV the producers find themselves up against a new hard edged web series which makes their show look decidedly quaint. It’s time to up the ante, but will the team go too far this time, and are they about to prank the wrong guy?

艾玛(梅根•沃纳 Meegan Warner 饰)是一档恐怖恶搞类综艺节目的制作人,对于这个靠欺骗和伪造愚弄嘉宾的节目,艾玛感到十分厌倦,她打算在做完最后一期节目后就辞职不干。近期,网络上出现了一些更血腥更暴力更真实却也拥有更多观众的恐怖节目,老板要求艾玛和她的同事兼男友马库斯(伊恩 麦杜思 Ian Meadows 饰)做出能够超越这些节目的作品,否则就要炒掉整个制作组。 马库斯将下一期节目的地点选在了一座废弃的疯人院之中,这一次,艾玛负责扮演在医院里工作的护士,以招募园丁之名找来了名为罗汉(乔什•邝•塔特 Josh Quong Tart 饰)的男子。罗汉表面看来安静而又老实,但之后他的种种诡异作为让艾玛开始怀疑,罗汉根本就是一个彻头彻尾的疯子。