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The Man with the Iron Heart/刺杀盖世太保


1942: The Third Reich is at its peak. The Czech resistance in London decides to plan the most ambitious military operation of WWII: Anthropoid. Two young recruits in their late twenties, Jozef Gabcik and Jan Kubis, are sent to Prague to assassinate the most ruthless Nazi leader – Reich-protector Reinhard Heydrich, Head of the SS, the Gestapo, and the architect of the “Final Solution”.

《刺杀盖世太保》是一部历史题材的影片,讲述二战期间纳粹高官莱茵哈特-海德里希(Reinhard Heydrich)的故事。莱茵哈德-海德里希是党卫军的总指挥,也是“最终解决方案”的执行者,有着“纳粹斩首官”之称。但就当海德里希志得意满之时,1942年却被两名英国派遣的 捷克伞兵刺杀,这次刺杀行动由丘吉尔策划,行动代号为猿人。