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The Boy / 灵偶契约


Greta is a young American woman who takes a job as a nanny in a remote English village, only to discover that the family’s 8-year-old is a life-sized doll that the parents care for just like a real boy, as a way to cope with the death of their actual son 20 years prior. After violating a list of strict rules, a series of disturbing and inexplicable events bring Greta’s worst nightmare to life, leading her to believe that the doll is actually alive.

美国女孩格丽塔(劳伦•科汉 Lauren Cohan 饰)为逃离过去的纷争,来到英国的一个庄园,帮富豪老夫妇照顾他们八岁大的“儿子”布拉姆斯。令格里塔困扰的是,他们的儿子实际上不是一个真人,而是一个人偶娃娃。年迈的希夏尔先生(吉姆•诺顿 Jim Norton 饰)和希夏尔太太(黛安娜•哈卡索 Diana Hardcastle 饰)要去度假,临走前给格里塔订下十条规则,要她务必遵循,否则就会招致可怕的后果。当格里塔独自留在豪宅时,她忽略掉这些规矩开始跟当地年轻帅气的送货员马尔科姆(鲁珀特•伊文斯 Rupert Evans 饰)约会,然而令人费解的意外事件相继发生,尤其是那个人偶娃娃好像有生命一样,会突然消失不见。别墅里的诡异气氛让格里塔越发感到不安,她不得不设法解开背后的谜团……