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Once Upon a Time / 三生三世十里桃花电影版


Three hundred years ago, the her that stood on the Zhu Xian Terrace, turned around and jumped off without regret. Caused the him that stood by the bronze mirror to witness with his own eyes her death. Three hundred years later, in the East Sea Dragon Palace, her and him meet unexpectedly. Another lifetime another world, once again facing this person that had betrayed her, she is indifferent as wind.

天族战神墨渊(杨洋 饰)镇压鬼君擎苍(严宽 饰)于无妄海,魂飞魄散,仙体冰封于青丘炎华洞内。青丘帝姬白浅(刘亦菲 饰)同天族太子夜华(杨洋 饰)早有婚约,二人却一直未曾相见。直至东海盛宴,夜华发现白浅竟然同亡妻素素(刘亦菲 饰)相貌一样,就势住进白浅的青丘,放下太子身段,为求解开白浅与素素之谜。夜华侧妃素锦(李纯 饰)生妒,暗中协助鬼族王后玄女(顾璇 饰)抢走墨渊仙体。白浅一怒之下血战鬼族大紫明宫,身负重伤,终被夜华救下。白浅跟随夜华来到九重天,通过天族圣器结魄灯恢复记忆,回想起身为素素一世之时所受伤害,不能原谅夜华。陷害白浅的素锦受到责罚,发配至无妄海,由妒生恨,终至疯狂,利用夜华之子小天孙阿离(彭子苏 饰)之血释放出被墨渊封印的鬼君擎苍。夜华为维护四海八荒,以元神生祭东皇钟,将擎苍封印。世事轮回,万般纠葛不过一个爱字。命运轮回,夜华与白浅究竟何去何从……