30 year-old working woman LI ANSHENG’s life in Shanghai is suddenly disrupted by the publication of a novel, entitled “Qiyue and Ansheng”, a chronicle of her friendship with QIYUE during her youth. Coupled with an accidental encounter with SU JIA-MING, her long repressed memories are unleashed with the force of a tsunami-The two girls seemed destined to become friends from the moment they entered high school.Though they were inseparable and believed that their bond would last for the rest of their lives, the cruelty of youth eventually led them to separate paths. Even more shocking is the discovery of a long buried secret shared by the women – a secret that serves as an emblem of their youth and the proof of their friendship.
一本名为《七月与安生》的网上小说火红面世,令在上海当上班族的李安生生活骤起波澜。她和好友林七月与初恋情人苏家明的少年往事不得已曝光,想不到早已尘封的过去,竟在十多年后再掀起滔天巨浪,改写他们的未来……“13 岁”奏响了青春序曲的第一个音符。七月(马思纯 饰)与安生(周冬雨 饰)从踏入中学校门的一刻起,便宿命般地成为了朋友。她们一个恬静如水,一个张扬似火,性格截然不同、却又互相吸引。她们以为会永远陪伴在彼此的生命里,然而青春的阵痛带来的不是别的,而是对同一个男生的爱——18 岁那年,她们遇见了苏家明,至此,成长的大幕轰然打开…