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The Crimes That Bind / 祈祷落幕时


Michiko came to Tokyo to visit Hiromi, but is instead found murdered. The renter of Michiko’s place is missing. The police is having a hard time finding clues and solving the case. There are not any clues and a connection between the dead and absent is not forthcoming. The only hint is an item found near the corpse, but it complicated the matters because it makes the file personal to one of the detectives assigned to the murder.

在东京都葛饰区小菅的某座公寓里,发现了一具被勒死的女性遗体。被害者是在清洁公司上班、住在滋贺县的押谷道子。而杀人现场的住户越川睦夫也下落不明。而以松宫(沟端淳平 饰)等警视厅搜查一科的刑警们查不出越川与押谷道子有何交集,案件调查陷入困境。尽管查明押谷道子是为了拜访她的同学,即导演浅居博美(松岛菜菜子 饰)才来东京的,但博美与越川之间也找不出什么交集。这时,案发地点附近发现了被烧死的尸体,松宫怀疑两者有关联。从遗物中,发现了写有日本桥周围12座桥名的文字。知道此事后加贺恭一郎(阿部宽 饰)非常激动,因为那东西与他的亡母大有关联。