The chief investigator of Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is banking on a key witness, the corporate accountant Jack (Nick Cheung Ka-fai), to testify in court against a high-level customs officer and a tobacco trading company CEO accused of bribery and smuggling. When neither Jack nor the CEO show up on the day of the hearing, King is given seven days to save the prosecution’s case.廉政公署一宗经历多年调查的严重非法内销行贿案件,竟因首被告理达贸易集团负责人陈超群弃保潜逃,以及唯一重要证人兼举报者,理达的前任财务总监许植尧(张家辉饰)缺席出庭作证,导致法庭勒令延审一星期!为了7天后案件顺利重审,ICAC展开全面行动。负责此案的队长陈敬慈(刘青云饰)和负责寻找证人的江雪儿(林嘉欣饰)原是廉政公署一对恩爱夫妻,如今已分居多时,为了案件不得不联手合作。在抓捕陈超群和寻找许植尧的过程中两人都意外发现他们背后隐藏的另一重身份。一个谜团的解开是另一个谜团的开启,背后的阴谋远远超出所有人的想象,烟幕笼罩下光明之路在何方?