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TOY STORY 4 / 玩具总动员4


Woody has always been confident about his place in the world and that his priority is taking care of his kid, whether that’s Andy or Bonnie. But when Bonnie adds a reluctant new toy called “Forky” to her room, a road trip adventure alongside old and new friends will show Woody how big the world can be for a toy. 胡迪深知自己在这个世界上的使命,就是照顾他的主人,无论是原来的安迪还是新主人邦妮。当邦妮将不情愿成为玩具的“叉叉”带回家时,胡迪又担起了教导叉叉接受自己新身份的责任。 然而当邦妮将所有玩具带上房车家庭旅行时,胡迪与伙伴们将共同踏上全新的冒险之旅,领略房间外面的世界有多广阔,甚至偶遇老朋友牧羊女。在多年的独自闯荡中,牧羊女已经变得热爱冒险,不再只是一个精致的洋娃娃。正当胡迪和牧羊女发现彼此对玩具的使命的意义大相径庭时,他们很快意识到更大的威胁即将到来…