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Gook / 韩国佬


Eli and Daniel, two Korean American brothers, own a struggling shoe store and have an unlikely friendship with Kamilla, a street wise 11-year-old African American girl. Kamilla ditches school, Eli stresses about the store, and Daniel tries to have a good time. It’s just another typical day at the store until the Rodney King verdict is read and riots break out. With the chaos moving towards them, the trio is forced to defend the store while contemplating the future of their own personal dreams and the true meaning of family. 在1992年的洛杉矶,美籍韩裔兄弟艾利和丹尼尔竭力保住父亲的鞋店生意,11岁的美籍非裔女孩甘美娜竟成为他们的忘年好友。当甘美娜的哥哥发现她与那些「东方佬」过从甚密,便密谋阻挠与报复;同时,警察殴打黑人罗德尼金案宣判,四名被控使用过度武力的警察无罪释放后,市内暴力事件升级,挑起族裔间的冲突,暴动无可避免地冲击他们的世界。